Carolina Caetano

I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Georgia. My research interests are in Econometrics, Applied Econometrics, Health Economics and Child Development.


Address: C401 Amos Hall, 610 S. Lumpkin St., Athens, GA, 30602


The Effect of Maternal Labor Supply on Children: Evidence from Bunching, with Gregorio Caetano, Eric Nielsen and Viviane Sanfelice. Paper. Forthcoming at Journal of Labor Economics.

Are Children Spending Too Much Time on Enrichment Activities? with Gregorio Caetano and Eric Nielsen. Paper, slides. Forthcoming at Economics of Education Review. Same version with appendix here.

Bunching Designs: A guide to practice, with Marinho Bertanha, Hugo Jales, and Nathan Seegert. Paper. Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics.

Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching, with Gregorio Caetano and Eric Nielsen. Paper, Same version with Appendix, slides, code. Forthcoming at Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.

Regression Discontinuity Design with Multivalued Treatments, with Gregorio Caetano and Juan Carlos Escanciano. Paper, slides, code. Journal of Applied Econometrics, pp. 1-17 (2023). Version with Appendix.

Identifying multiple marginal effects with a single instrument, with Juan Carlos Escanciano, Econometric Theory, 2021, 37(3), pp.464-494. Paper, informal summary, code, slides.

A discontinuity test for identification in triangular nonseparable models, with Christoph Rothe and Nese Yildiz, Journal of Econometrics, v. 193(1), 2016. Paper, informal summary, slides.

A test of exogeneity without instrumental variables in models with bunching, Econometrica, v. 83(4), 2015. Paper, online appendix (details about the estimator and the simulations), code, replication files, informal summary, slides.

Working Papers

Robust Identification in Regression Discontinuity Designs with Covariates, joint with Gregorio Caetano and Juan Carlos Escanciano. Paper. R&R at Review of Economics and Statistics.

Agricultural Extension Effectiveness in Ethiopia: Evidence from Bunching, with G. Dureti, G. Caetano, M. Tabe-Ojong, S. Di Falco, and D. Wuepper. Paper. R&R at American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Household Chores and the Gender Gap in Child Development: Evidence from Bunching, with Gregorio Caetano and Kelly Santos. Paper.

A Dummy Test of Causal Identification in Models with Bunching, with Gregorio Caetano, Eric Nielsen and Hao Teng. Paper.

Difference-in-Differences when Parallel Trends Holds Conditional on Covariates, with Brant Callaway. Paper. Appendix. Informal summary.

Identification and Estimation of Average Marginal Treatment Effects with a Bunching Design, with Gregorio Caetano and Eric Nielsen. Paper. Slides.

Resting Papers

Smoking Across Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes, with Kenneth Chay and Umair Khalil.

Teaching Notes and Slides

Graduate Econometrics: causal identification and estimation

1. Fundaments of Causal Inference, slides
2. Review of OLS, slides
3. Review of the Linear Model, slides
4. Problems with the Linear Model, slides
5. Instrumental Variable Methods, slides
6. Potential Outcomes Model, slides
7. Regression Discontinuity Design, slides
8. Panel Data Models, slides
9. Statistical Learning

Nonparametric Econometrics

1. Kernel Based Methods
2. Bandwidth choice, Inference and Local Polynomial
3. Sieve Based Methods, Splines
4. Wavelets, Choice of Series Length, and Inference
5. Semi-parametric Models: Partially Linear, Additive, Varying Coefficients, Single Index
6. Examples: Nonparametric IV, Inverse Prob. Weighted Propensity Score, RDD